Partitura di pianoforte Golden Hour

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Golden Hour - JVKE - Bercob

Partiture per pianoforte gratuite

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About this product

Golden Hour, by JVKE

While "Golden Hour" flows beautifully, several technical challenges may arise for pianists:

Difficult Passages:

  • Measures 17-24: The right hand requires significant dexterity due to rapid note sequences that span over an octave.

  • Measures 49-56: The section incorporates complex chords that demand finger strength and agility, especially when transitioning between the bass and treble lines smoothly.


  • To tackle the rapid sequences, practice hands separately before attempting to combine both hands, gradually increasing tempo.

  • For the complex chords, break down the measures. Isolate the left-hand bass notes and ensure they remain steady while focusing on the right-hand chords.
