Golden Hour ピアノ楽譜

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Golden Hour - JVKE - Bercob


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About this product

Golden Hour, by JVKE

Although the score is approachable, there are several nuanced challenges that performers may encounter:

  • Hand Coordination: The interplay between the right-hand melody and left-hand harmony can be tricky, particularly in measures where they are closely intertwined. For example, measures featuring the transition from B5 to C#6 require careful coordination to maintain rhythmic integrity.

  • Phrasing and Breath Control: The need for legato phrasing across sustained notes, especially in sections where the melody stretches over multiple measures (e.g., measures 9-16), demands breath control from the player, simulating a vocal-like quality.

Specific Measures of Concern

  • Measures 13-16: The chromatic movement between E5 and G#5 while transitioning to A5 significantly challenges hand alignment and coordination.

  • Measures 21-24: The repeated motifs require precise touch to maintain clarity and prevent notes from slurring together.
