Partitura di pianoforte Perfect

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Perfect - Ed Sheeran - Drewyes Deirty

Partiture per pianoforte gratuite

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About this product

Perfect, by Ed Sheeran

  • Hand Coordination and Independence: Maintaining a steady tempo while navigating between the right-hand melody and the left-hand accompaniment is paramount. Specifically, measures 9-12, where the right-hand part features rapid melodic changes against a steady left-hand accompaniment, poses a challenge.

  • Finger Technique: Swift transitions and jumps present in measures such as 21–24 require careful finger placement and technique to ensure fluidity. The right-hand must comfortably navigate between high and low registers without losing confidence.

  • Articulation: Ensuring the clarity of each note, especially in fast passages, can be taxing. Measures 60–70 include intricate runs that demand precision in execution.

