Fly me to the moon Pianosheet muziek

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Fly me to the moon - Bart Howard - Duttdes Dawnpril

Gratis pianonoten

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About this product

Fly me to the moon, by Bart Howard

The piece is relatively accessible but presents several technical challenges that can challenge performers, particularly those with less experience.

  • Piano Coordination: Maintaining balance between the hands when playing this piece is crucial. In sections like bars 18-22, the right-hand melody requires independence and clarity against the left-hand accompaniment.

  • Dynamic Control: The pianist must exhibit control over dynamics, particularly in building crescendos leading into quieter passages. Sections such as bars 23-26, where the accompaniment becomes more intricate, highlight the necessity for dynamic subtleties.

  • Articulation: Accurate articulation is key, especially in faster sections (e.g., bars 10-14) where both parts need to synchronize effectively. The performer should practice these segments at a slower tempo before increasing speed.
