Perfect Klaviernoten

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Perfect - Chris Miles - Padunn

Kostenlose Klaviernoten

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About this product

Perfect, by Chris Miles

The following measures contain performance challenges that may require additional attention:

  • Measures: 7-8 (A3_E4_D4_C4_D4_.A3__) showcase intricate finger transitions that demand smoothness and control.

  • Measure 15 (D4__D4__C4_0_C5__E5_.D5_C5_) presents rapid successive notes which may overwhelm less experienced players.

To overcome these difficulties, pianists should:

  • Isolate Difficult Passages: Focus practicing measures containing tricky transitions slowly to develop finger independence and familiarity.

  • Use a Metronome: Gradually increase the tempo to match the performance speed while maintaining precision.
