Partitura di pianoforte Undertale Medley: The Ruins

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Undertale Medley: The Ruins - Toby Fox - Jeblume

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About this product

Undertale Medley: The Ruins, by Toby Fox

Certain sections present considerable challenges in execution, demanding both technical prowess and interpretative nuance.

  • Hand Coordination: In measures 20-24, the rapid alternation between chords in the left hand while playing the melody in the right can create synchronization issues. This challenge necessitates solid coordination skills and can be improved through slow, deliberate practice.

  • Leap Intervals: Sections involving large intervallic leaps, specifically measures 10-14, can be difficult to navigate smoothly. The player must maintain balance while ensuring that notes are struck cleanly.


To address these challenges, it is recommended to break down such sections:
