Bản nhạc piano Perfect

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Perfect - Ed Sheeran - Fanfax

Bản nhạc piano miễn phí

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About this product

Perfect, by Ed Sheeran

Several sections present challenges that require thoughtful attention and practice:

  • Technical Difficulty: Certain sequences demand agility, particularly in measures 8-10 where rapid note changes occur. The right hand needs to move fluidly between high and low octaves.

  • Synchronizing Hands: There are moments where the left-hand accompaniment must align precisely with the right-hand melody, which can be tricky in measures 20-25. The shifts between the bass notes and chord alignments can create moments of dissonance if not executed with careful synchronization.

  • Dynamic Control: Achieving the intended crescendos and decrescendos throughout the piece can be challenging, especially in the emotion-driven sections, such as measures 15-20.

To overcome these difficulties:

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