You Are the Sunshine of My Life
Stevie Wonder
Detailed Analysis of "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" for Piano Unique Aspects"You Are the Sunshine of My Life," composed by Stevie Wonder, is a beautiful piece characterized by its straightforward yet effective use of melody and harmony.- Form and
496 visualizzazioni
You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
Stevie Wonder
Detailed Analysis of "You Are The Sunshine Of My Life" for PianoUnique Characteristics:The composition "You Are The Sunshine Of My Life" by Stevie Wonder is a delightful piece structured in C Major and set in a 4/4 time signature at a moderate tempo
266 visualizzazioni
You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
Stevie Wonder
Detailed Analysis of "You Are The Sunshine Of My Life" for PianoComposer: Stevie WonderKey: C MajorTime Signature: 4/4Tempo: 140 BPMInstrumentation: PianoTrack Count: 1The piece is a beautiful representation of modern pop and soul, showcasing simple
118 visualizzazioni
You are the sunshine of my life
Stevie Wonder
The piece "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" is predominantly composed in C Major, exuding a warm and uplifting essence characteristic of Stevie Wonder's style. The time signature of 4/4 and a moderate tempo set at 115 bpm contribute to a smooth, flow
80 visualizzazioni