Infringement Notification

If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof and believe that any content on OpenScoreVault (“Content”) infringes upon your copyrights, you may submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") by providing our Copyright Agent with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail):

  1. The physical or electronic signature of the authorized person with the infringed exclusive rights;
  2. Identification of copyrighted works claimed to have infringed upon copyright, or if a notice covers multiple copyrighted works on a single online site, please provide a representative list of these works on that site;
  3. The identification of materials that claim to have been infringed upon or become the object of infringing activities and should be deleted or prohibited from accessing, and provide sufficient information to enable service providers to locate these materials;
  4. Provide your contact information, such as address, phone number, and available email addresses;
  5. Declare that you firmly believe that the complained material was used without the copyright owner, their agent, or legal authorization in the manner complained of;
  6. The information in the notice is accurate and you have the right to take action on behalf of the owner who claims to have been infringed upon in the event of fraud.

You can send the infringement notice to our agency via email: [email protected]. Please note that only copyright notices should be sent to copyright agents; Please be aware that if you do not meet all the above requirements, your copyright notification may be invalid.

Note of Protest

If you believe that your content that has been deleted (or access has been disabled) is not infringing, or if you have the copyright owner, copyright owner agent, or legal authorization to publish and use the material in your content, you can send a protest notice to the copyright agent containing the following information:

  1. Your physical or electronic signature;
  2. Identification of content that has been deleted or disabled for access, as well as the location where the content appeared before it was deleted or disabled;
  3. A statement indicating that the content has been mistakenly deleted or disabled, or that the content has been mistakenly identified;
  4. Your name, address, phone number, and email address, a statement stating that you agree to be under the jurisdiction of a federal court in San Francisco, California, and a statement stating that you will accept service from the person providing notice of the alleged infringement.

If the copyright agent receives a protest notice, OpenScoreVault may send a copy of the protest notice to the original complainant, informing them that they can replace the deleted content or stop disabling the content within 10 working days. Unless the copyright owner files a lawsuit requesting a court order against the content provider, member, or user, the deleted content may be restored or replaced at the discretion of OpenScoreVault within 10 to 14 working days or more after receiving the protest notice.